44-Acre Finca includes Winery, Vineyard, Orchard, Houses & Fruit Drying Facility: US$230,000
Over 30 Acres in Production
The winery is not currently in production, but was set up to produce 800,000 liters of wine (just over 1 million standard bottles of wine) per year. There is some renovation that needs to be done, because currently the fermentation tanks are only available to produce about 200,000 liters of wine annually. The remaing tanks need to be coated with epoxy in order to be used. There is a large industrial truck scale for buying grapes. Equipment to press the grapes, etc., would need to be rented or purchased. However, estimates to put the winery in operation for this coming year have ranged from US$25,000 to US$40,000, depending on how you approach it.
There is a nice owner's house and two worker's homes currently occupied by caretakers who would prefer to stay on with the new owner if possible. There is also another empty home in need of repair (see photo at bottom). The farm includes a tractor with implements. Shortly the municipality is bringing city water to the property, and there are also natural gas lines near by.
The two workers on the property, one of whom has been there for many years, handle the plowing, pruning and fruit drying operation, and some harvest. Total salaries are about 1000 pesos per month (US$350), and there are extra expenses for such things as tractor fuel, fertilizer, electricity, etc.
This year we have reinstituted the drying operation. Currently we are drying D'Agen plums for prunes and possibly will be doing sun-dried tomatoes later this year.
15-PLUS ACRES OF PLUMS . . . Varietals include D'Agen (for prunes), Linda Rosa, Presidente & Santa Rosa
7-ACRE VINEYARD . . . Parral vineyard of grapes including the varietals Cereza, Criolla, Moscatel Rosada, Pedro Jimenez, and some Bonarda fine wine grapes.
3-ACRE APRICOT ORCHARD . . . Approximately 650 apricot trees
50 OLIVE TREES. . . More than 50 olive trees of the eating and olive oil variety
3-PLUS ACRES MISC. FRUIT TREES . . . A small orchard with a variety of trees -- apple, cherry, almonds, walnuts, pears, etc..
QUINCE GROVE . . . Approximately 100 or so quince trees lining the internal canals.
4 HOUSES . . . A nice adobe owner's house, two worker's homes currently occupied caretakers, and another worker's home in need of repair
TRACTOR WITH IMPLEMENTS . . . A Fiat vineyard tractor with implements (disc, etc.), sprayer and wagon.
INDUSTRIAL WATER TANK . . . A tank sufficient for 40,000 liters of water and a well and pump beneath it
DRYING RACKS & FRUIT CRATES . . . About 3,000 fruit drying racks (bandejas), plus large quantity of additional crates for picking and shipping. FRUIT & WINE COOLER . . . A 300 square foot refrigerated room for wine or produce
HUGE WINERY & FRUIT DRYING FACILITY . . . Winery (with new roof) has a yearly capacity of 800,000 liters, or about 1 million bottles annually. Currently not all of the fermentation tanks are coated in epoxy and ready for use, so annual production at this time would only be 200,000 liters (260,000 bottles). Winery/drng facility has two offices (one with ceramic floors) and three bathrooms (one with shower facilities).
BARN/GARAGE . . . A medium-sized garage or barn building for tractor and equipment, etc.
INDUSTRIAL TRUCK SCALE . . . An industrial truck scale for the weighing of trucks arriving with grapes or other fruit
MISC. EQUIPMENT . . . A fruit sorter, fruit washer, industrial dollies, mobile scale, etc.
FULL WATER IRRIGATION RIGHTS . . . Water irrigation rights attached to the deed which allow 36 hours of water irrigation per week
IRRIGATION WELL . . . Awater irrigation well with 10-inch pipe which reaches a depth of 45 meters. There is no pump or motor attached, and the well is not needed for irigation since canal irrigation is sufficient.