Byron Lutz
U.S. Telephone (Lake Worth, Florida): (561) 582-7801
Email: [email protected]

50-Plus Acres: Fine Wine Vineyard & Plums

Located in Colonia Castillo, San Rafael: US$155,000

This is a beautiful and well-cared for vineyard and orchard located about 20
miles east of San Rafael in Colonia Castillo. In addition to fine wine and
common grapes is a parral vineyard of Aconcagua White seedless, which
are dried for raisins, used as eating grapes or turned into wine. One year
just the seedless Aconcagua vineyard (about 4 acres) produced 60,000 kilos alone.

There is a recently remodeled worker's house with large barn and tractor
on the property, and an excellent caretaker who takes pride in his work.

The farm is laid out to produce about 200,000 kilos of grapes per year, plus
about 12 acres of plums for drying (most mature trees in full production).

Fine wine grape quality has met the tough viticulture standards of Bodega Roca,
a premium export wine manufacturer headquartered in San Rafael. Adhering to
Roca�s stringent picking requirements, the 2008 fine grape harvest was sent there.

The San Rafael Irrigation District recently completed an upgrade to the main supply canal
that parallels the property. While the old canal was shallow, narrow and made of dirt,
the new one is considerably deeper, wider and is now cement-lined. It provides
ample volumes of water to the growing area.

The San Rafael region can be subject to hail, depending on weather conditions and
luck of the draw, so there is no guarantee on production . . . but as the syrah and
bonarda vines are mature, this year's harvest could approach 180,000 kg. And as the
plum and olive orchards mature within the next 3-4 years, the farm should produce at
least another 90,000 kg of product yielding a total approaching 270,000 kg. With good
luck and favorable weather, perhaps a good deal more than that.


** 16 Large Old Olive Trees (over 40 years) of the eating and oil variety.
Production averages about 3,000-4,000 kg/yr.

** Miscellaneous Fruit Trees including Apricots, Figs and others.

** Approximately 100 Quince Trees. Production averages
about 2,000-3,000 kg/yr

** A young Plum Orchard of approximately 260 D'Agen Plum Trees
(used for prunes). Production averages about 1,000-1,500 kg per year.

** A new Plum Orchard of approximately 400 D'Agen Plum trees was
planted in 2007 adjacent to the existing one. Future production should be
at least 40 kg/tree or 26,000 kg/year.

** Another Plum Orchard of about 12 acres -- mostly mature trees in good

** Two new fences and two new lockable gates were installed in 2007.

** All old vineyard posts replaced, new wires installed, and damaged
vines replaced during vineyard upgrade in 2006-2007.

** A benign natural fertilization program relying on goat and chicken manure
rather than synthetic fertilizer, was implemented in 2005.

** A Worker's House and Large Barn.

** An irrigation well, not currently used but on site as a back-up water source.
Installation cost of a well like this would cost about US$15k to US$20K. It has a
pump installed but no motor to run it at the present.

** Three-phase industrial electric at the property.

** Vineyard Tractor with implements, including plows, disc, etc.

Various Grape Vineyards as Follows (approximate sizes below):

- 4 Acres of Aconcagua White Seedless Grapes
- 4 Acres of new Bonarda Grapes (Class B Fine Wine Grapes)
- 4 Acres of Syrah Fine Wine Grapes
- 5 Acres of Cabernet Sauvignon Fine Wine Grapes grown parral style
- 11 Acres of Common Grapes, including Cereza, Moscatel Rosada, Pedro Gimenez, etc.

Bonarda Vineyard:

Cabernet Sauvignon Parral Vineyard,
& Photos Showing Nitrogen Grass Planted between Rows:

Various Photos of Grapes:

Aconcagua Seedless Vineyard, a photo showing how large
these bunches of grapes grow:

Worker's House and Barn:

Front Entrance:

Tractor Showing Pomegranates Hanging in Foreground:

Various Vineyard Photos:


Tractor Implements & Miscellaneous Scenes on the Property

Email Us: [email protected]
Or call Byron Lutz in Lake Worth, Florida, USA: (561) 582-7801